About the Memorial

The Forever One Memorial
A Place of Healing & Remembrance

The Forever One Memorial will be a permanent monument honoring the 58 lives lost, their families, the more than 22,000 survivors, our emergency and first responders, and all those impacted by the tragedy that occurred on 1 October 2017 at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas, NV.

Remembering the 58
and All Lives We Have Since Lost

58 people lost their lives on the night of October 1, 2017. Friends, family, neighbors. Before the tragedy struck, concertgoers were drawn together by the joy of music, their lives forever intertwined in those shared moments of camaraderie and connection.

Central to the Forever One Memorial Is the Remembrance Ring. Featuring a serene, open space lined with 58 vertical candles of light, each one shines brightly with the spirit of those who were taken from us, reminding us that hope always finds a way forward.

Beyond the 58 who lost their lives on the evening of 1 October, in the months and years since, two lost their lives as a result of injuries suffered that night and others have since passed from physical and psychological wounds. We honor all those impacted by the tragedy who will forever carry scars and loss. The Forever One Memorial intends to honor the 58 in the Remembrance Ring with a special tribute planned for the additional lives that have since left us.

The Heroes

While there was much darkness on the night of 1 October 2017, the stories of compassion, heroism and community remind us that goodness prevails.

The heroes—emergency medical and first responders, concertgoers, hospitality workers, and passersby—risked their lives and wellbeing to protect those around them. When our community needed it most, ordinary individuals became extraordinary heroes.

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From strangers tending to those with gunshot wounds, providing transport to the nearest hospital, to spouses and significant others shielding their beloved from gunfire, the acts of humanity were countless. Rows of first responders from every jurisdiction in Southern Nevada lined up to answer the call of duty. Nurses in emergency rooms received the critically wounded.

In the weeks and months after the tragedy, the world opened its heart to Las Vegas— just as Las Vegas has always opened its heart to the world.

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The Forever One Memorial honors all the acts of courage, compassion and resilience shown that night and that continue to shine through those impacted, forever.

The Team Behind Forever One

In June 2023, five design teams presented their concepts. A month later, the committee selected the concept presented by JCJ Architecture. It was officially approved by the Clark County Commission later that year.
You can learn more about what emerged from public meetings, community surveys, and focus groups by visiting the webpage linked here.
The guiding principles that shaped the committee’s mission were driven by the community and included: remembrance, respect, honor, healing, unity, peace, community, and love.

In the spring of 2024, the Clark County Commission voted unanimously to designate the Vegas Strong Fund with the critical responsibility of overseeing the fundraising, design, and construction of the Forever One Memorial.

The Vegas Strong Fund, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created in the immediate aftermath of the October 1 tragedy, was established by members of Nevada’s resort gaming industry to provide relief and support to those most impacted. Over the past seven years, the VSF has raised funds for the Las Vegas Victims’ Fund, established a scholarship program, and made grants to support annual remembrance events.

In partnership with Clark County, JCJ Architecture, and Burke Construction Group, the Vegas Strong Fund is working diligently to deliver the Forever One Memorial by 1 October 2027, 10 years after that tragic night.

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With devoted civil servants staffing the Clark County 1 October Memorial Committee and a group of experienced industry and community leaders volunteering to serve on the nonprofit Vegas Strong Fund board of directors, this public-private partnership brings together those with the necessary expertise and heart to honor the mission of the Forever One Memorial.

Appointed by Governor Sisolak and the Clark County Commission, the 1 October Memorial Committee’s primary mission was to facilitate a public process and design competition that reflected the collective wishes of the community and the memorial’s most important stakeholders — those directly impacted.

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Meet the Board Members

Jan Jones-Blackhurst


Scott Nielson

Vice Chair

Punam Mathur


Ashley Eddy


Tennille Pereira


Jennifer Carleton


Kelly McMahill


Sam Nicholson


Brian Rogers


Peggy Selesner


Virginia Valentine


Lisa Kremer

County Representative

Alex Bybee

Executive Director

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Forever One, Imagined

Memorial Features

  1. The Entry: Prelude
  2. Opening Verses at the ramp leading down to the surround
  3. The Bridge: The Surround (Below)
  4. 58 Candles / 58 Stories
  5. Closing Verse
  6. The Bridge: The Tower of Light (Above)
  7. The Chorus: "Courage to Connect” / The Community Plaza

Every facet of the Forever One Memorial concept is designed to reflect the idea of infinite memory, and our community becoming one with the lives lost on October 1, 2017. The memorial’s architectural design also draws deep inspiration from the transcendent power of music, a force which connects us all even through the darkest days of tragedy.

Explore the Memorial








Your Support Matters

Our generosity will ensure that we always remember the 58 lives lost on 1 October and the enduring compassion and resilience found in the years since.

Click below to learn more about how you can support the Forever One Memorial and its mission.

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